Terms and Conditions

Promotion name Stand Together Day Award
Eligible States/Territories NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA, ACT
Duration of promotion Start: 14 July 2024, 0:00 AM AEST
End: 31 July 2024, 11:59 PM AEST
No entries will be accepted outside this time.
Website   address www.standtogetherday.com.au
Promoter Christian Media & Arts Australia
2 Leabons Lane Seven Hills NSW, 2147, Australia
ABN 90 900 267 077
Eligible entrants The Stand Together Awards (the “Competition”) is open to residents of Australia aged 18 years and over, excluding employees of Christian Media and Arts Australia, Mission Australia, participating radio stations, their immediate families, and anyone otherwise connected with the organisation or judging of the Competition.
Details of prizes The winner will receive:
The opportunity to travel to the Christian Media & Arts annual Connect Conference on the Gold Coast to accept the award as a part of the event.
Travel and accommodation for two people (the nominator and the nominee unless otherwise negotiated) valued up to $4000*.
*Flights from the nearest major airport if required of approximate value of $1500 (estimated at 24, July, 2024)
*Accommodation on the Gold Coast for 2 people (the nominator and the nominee unless otherwise negotiated) for up to 2 nights of the approximate value of $1,381.60 (these are assumed single rooms per person and estimated at 24, July, 2024)
*Breakfast at the accommodation for 2 people for 2 days
*All meals while attending conference and awards events
*Note* Any personal expenses of travel insurance, meals, local travel and tourism, general purchases and activity not associated with the Connect Conference and the Awards are not the responsibility of CMAA.
Total number of prizes 1
Total prize value Total prize pool (inc GST): up to $4,000
Method of entry To enter, an entrant must, during the promotional period, go to www.standtogetherday.com.au and fill out the free entry form.
Maximum number of entries Limit of 1 entry per person for a single nominated person/s
Multiple nominations for different people are permitted.
Prize Selection This is a game of skill and winners will be selected by a panel of judges appointed by Christian Media & Arts Australia and Mission Australia. The criteria for the selection is to choose the story that most reflects the spirit of “Stand Together Day”, generous empowerment of another through a difficult time. The judges’ decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into. Winners will be officially selected on the 2nd of August. *Please note, the judging process has taken longer than planned and the notification date has been extended to ‘no later than 12 August, 2024’.*
Notification of winners Winners will be notified via Email no later than 3rd of August 2024. *Please note, the judging process has taken longer than planned and the notification date has been extended to ‘no later than 13 August, 2024’.*
Public announcement of winners The winners of all prizes will be published on the Christian Media and Arts Australia website and standtogetherday.com.au by 4 August, 2024. *Please note, the judging process has taken longer than planned and the notification date has been extended to ‘no later than 14 August, 2024’.*

Stand Together Awards – Terms and Conditions

      1. Data Sharing: By participating in the Competition, participants agree that the information provided in their nomination may be shared with Christian Media and Arts Australia, the referring Christian Media and Arts Australia member and Mission Australia for the purposes of administering the Competition and for other communications

      1. Contact Consent: By checking the box on the nomination form and clicking “Continue,” participants authorise, by electronic signature, ‘my radio station’ and Mission Australia to contact them with general communications and news using the contact information provided.

      1. ‘My radio station’ refers to the Christian Media and Arts Australia member organisation that has referred the user to the entry form. A full list of participating members can be found at standtogetherday.com.au/partners

      1. General Conditions: Christian Media and Arts Australia and Mission Australia reserve the right to cancel or amend the Competition and these Terms and Conditions without notice in the event of any unforeseen circumstances outside of their control. Any changes to the Competition will be notified to participants as soon as possible.

      1. Governing Law: The Competition and these Terms and Conditions will be governed by Australian law, and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Australia.

      1. Entry into the Competition: Entry into the Competition will be deemed as acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

      1. Contact Information: For any queries regarding the Competition, please contact [email protected].

    By participating in the Stand Together Awards, participants agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions

    The competition is not open to:

    (a) a person who is an employee, officer, servant, volunteer or contractor of CMAA (Christian Media and Arts Australia) or its related bodies corporate or associates or any of its agencies involved with this competition;

    (b) the spouse, de facto spouse, parent, natural or adopted child, and sibling (whether natural or adopted by a parent), of a person referred to in paragraph (a) above;

    (c) a person who has used or attempted to use any more than one name in order to qualify to win any contest run by CMAA;

    (d) at CMAA’s discretion, a person who has won a prize/prizes from CMAA in any competition(s) run by CMAA in the prior 60 days from the date of determining the winner(s) of the competition(s);

    (e) a person who refuses to comply with or breaches any terms of these General Competition Entry Rules. All contestants acknowledge that CMAA can rely on this clause at any time, even if CMAA only learns of a person’s ineligibility after CMAA has nominated the person as the winner or awarded the prize. Return of the prize or payment of its value to CMAA can be required by CMAA if this occurs.

    2. Prizes

    Notwithstanding anything else in these Rules, CMAA has absolute discretion in awarding prizes in a competition.

    In order to claim a prize in a competition, the winner must:

    (a) be eligible to enter under these General Competition Entry Rules and any Special Competition Rules;

    (b) be announced by CMAA as the winner of that prize on air through partner/member radio and television channels, or any other means determined by CMAA;

    (c) not be prohibited by any rule of law from using or otherwise enjoying the prize for which he or she has been announced as the winner;

    (d) demonstrate to CMAA’s satisfaction that he or she is the winner of the prize, and if necessary prove that he or she is not prohibited from using or otherwise enjoying the prize (for example, by producing photo-identification, such as a driver’s licence or passport, or signing a declaration to that effect); and

    (e) comply with any request made by CMAA under the General Competition Entry Rules or any Special Competition Rules that apply to that competition; and

    (f) only one (1) qualifier or winner per family per competition unless otherwise stipulated.

    To qualify for the Stand Together Day prize, both the nominator and the nominee must be over the age of 18. If either the nominator or the nominee is found to be under the age of 18, they will be disqualified from receiving the prize. However, CMAA reserves the absolute discretion to either award the prize to the nominee’s lawful parent or guardian or to require the parent or guardian to sign an indemnity and consent form for the nominee to receive or participate in the prize.

    Prizes will only be awarded following winner validation and verification.

    Should a prize winner choose not to accept the prize allocated by CMAA, the prize will not be substituted with another prize.

    All prize items are valued inclusive of GST and CMAA takes no responsibility for any variation in item values. Any taxes which may be payable as a consequence of a winner receiving the prize are the sole responsibility of that winner.

    Prizes are non-transferable and may not be redeemed for cash. If the specified prize becomes unavailable, CMAA may substitute a prize of like or equal value.

    Unless otherwise specified, the class of travel for any travel prize incorporating an airfare is economy class.

    No prohibited prizes will be awarded.

    Winners will be notified on-air, by mail, telephone, email or by any other contact details provided by the winner.

    Upon request by CMAA, a copy of the General Competition Entry Rules and/or a signed receipt and acknowledgment must be signed and endorsed by any winner to indicate his/her understanding and acceptance of these terms. All details for the travel and accommodation for the prize must be confirmed and booked by the 31st of August, 2024 (or as otherwise agreed to by CMAA at winners request) or you risk the prize won being forfeited. A reselection may take place at CMAA’s discretion.

    In the event a winner chooses not to accept a prize, they forfeit any and all claims to the prize which can then be awarded to a competition runner up at the time at the discretion of CMAA.

    The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

    3. Exclusion of Liability

    CMAA takes no responsibility for the loss of prizes due to incorrect or imprecise delivery details provided by an entrant. CMAA makes no representations or warranties as to the quality/suitability/merchantability of any of the goods/services offered as prizes.

    CMAA shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered or sustained (including but not limited to consequential loss), including for personal injury or property damage suffered or sustained, as a result of accepting any prize or participation in any competition or prize, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law.

    A person who enters a competition releases from and indemnifies CMAA from and against all liability, cost, loss or expense arising out of acceptance of any prize or participation in any competition including (but not limited to) personal injury and damage to property and whether direct, indirect, consequential, foreseeable, due to some negligent act or omission, or otherwise.

    A winner (or his or her parent or guardian as appropriate) may be required to sign and return any liability release provided by CMAA and/or its contractors as a condition of the prize being awarded. Failure to return the signed releases and indemnities will result in the entitlement to the prize being forfeited.

    4. Disqualification

    CMAA is not responsible for lost, interrupted communications or unavailable network server or other connections, failed telephone, mid delivery or computer transmissions or other errors of any kind, whether human, mechanical or electronic.

    CMAA assumes no responsibility for any error, defect, delay, theft or unauthorised access to or alteration of entries. Subject to any written directions given under the applicable law, if for any reason, the competition is not capable of operating as planned, including infection by computer viruses, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud or any other causes beyond the control of CMAA which corrupts or affects the administration, security, fairness, or proper conduct of the competition, then CMAA reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend this competition.

    CMAA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual for:

    (a) tampering with the entry process, including exceeding any limitation on the numbers of entries, or any other process as determined by CMAA that in any way affects the fairness of the promotion;

    (b) tampering with the operation of the competition or web site;

    (c) acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner; or

    (d) if an entrant selected as winner is found to be in breach of any term of these General Competition Entry Rules, a new winner may be selected and, in the event that the entrant in breach has been awarded a prize, the entrant may be required to return the prize or reimburse the value of the prize to CMAA.

     5. Participation

    Participation in the competition constitutes the entrant’s unconditional agreement to and acceptance of these General Competition Entry Rules and any Special Competition Rules in relation to a particular competition. These Rules may change from time to time including by extending the time for, varying or terminating any competition.

    The Entrant is responsible for ensuring his or her familiarity with the General Competition Entry Rules and any Special Competition Rules at the time of participation. CMAA’s decision not to enforce a specific restriction does not constitute a waiver of that restriction or of the General Competition Entry Rules or Special Competition Rules. CMAA may enforce these Rules in its absolute discretion.

    Where CMAA has Special Competition Rules in relation to a particular contest, then they will prevail to the extent of any inconsistency with these General Competition Entry Rules or Special Competition Rules. CMAA may enforce these Rules in its absolute discretion.

    The General Competition Entry Rules and any Special Competition Rules are to be construed in accordance with the laws of Australia. CMAA may terminate any contest at any time at its absolute discretion. In the event of such termination, CMAA may at its absolute discretion elect not to award any prize in respect of the terminated contest.

    6. Ownership of Entries

    Competition entries and material submitted in connection with any competition (whether written, audio, electronic or visual form, or a combination of those) or any photographs, video and/or film footage and/or audio recording taken of competitors are assigned to CMAA upon submission and become the property of CMAA which may use the material in any medium in any reasonable manner it sees fit. Copyright in any such material remains the sole property of CMAA.

    All such entries and material remain the property of CMAA (subject to the limits contained in the Privacy Statement). Each entrant warrants that he or she owns the copyright and any other intellectual property rights in any such material submitted in connection with any competition and has full power and authority to agree to and grant the above assignment, consents and other rights to CMAA.

    All contestants acknowledge, as a condition of entry, that CMAA has the right to publicise and/or broadcast his/her name, character, likeness, voice, or all matters incidental herein.

    7. Privacy and Publicity

    A person who enters a competition may be required to submit personal or confidential information about himself or herself (including without limitation his or her name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, marital status, occupation, spending preferences or any other such information) (“Personal Information”) to CMAA. CMAA will treat any Personal Information obtained from a person who enters a competition in accordance with the CMAA’s Privacy Policy.

    CMAA may:

    (a) refuse to accept an entry which does not contain all or any other of the Personal Information requested by CMAA; or

    (b) record and use the Personal Information for its own marketing, planning, product development, promotional, broadcasting and research purposes, including but not limited to using the winner’s name, suburb of residence, likeness and a recording of the winner’s voice for advertising and promotional purposes.